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 Campania . Italy

Napoli Metro


With 1 million inhabitants (about 3 million in the metropolitan area), Naples is Italy's third largest city and the centre, both touristic and industrial, of southern Italy. Besides the growing network of metro and suburban railways, which are all integrated into the Uniconapoli/Unicocampania fare system, Naples also maintains a small tram system, with three lines and a total length of 10 km.

1 Via Stadera – Piazza Vittoria
2 Poggioreale – San Giovanni
4 Piazza Vittoria – San Giovanni

> from 2024 operated as lines 412/421.

16-03-2013: Emiciclo Poggioreale - Via Stadera


ANM (Azienda Napoletana Mobilitŕ - Official Site)

Consorzio UnicoCampania (Fare system)

Public Transport in Campania Region

Naples Tram at Wikipedia.it



Metros in Italy - The Book





2010 © UrbanRail.Net by Robert Schwandl.