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 Victoria . Australia

Melbourne Tram Map

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Melbourne Metropolitan Railway System

Australia's second largest city has some 5.3 million inhabitants. The city boasts the most extensive tram network in the world with approx. 250 km of double-track routes. Branded as "Yarra Trams", the 25 tram lines (plus the free CBD circle line) are operated by Keolis Downer EDI Rail.

The Melbourne tram fleet is rather diverse and includes the traditional W class, the typical Z, A and B class vehicles, plus modern low-floor trams: Citadis (C-class) and Combino (D-class).

View complete map featuring tram and train lines.



Melbourne Tram Melbourne Tram

Melbourne Tram Melbourne Tram

Melbourne Tram Melbourne Tram


Public Transport VictoriaUrban Rail Down Under

YarraTrams - the world's largest tram network outside Europe

Victoria Department of Transport (Projects)

Trams in Melbourne at Wikipedia

Extensive map including tram lines

Melbourne Tram System at Railpage.au

Vicsig.net - Railways in Victoria (incl. Melbourne Tram)

Melbourne Tram Museum at Hawthorn Depot

Tramway Museum Society of Victoria

Read the webmaster's personal impressions of the Melbourne Tram Network in the UrbanRail.Blog (Feb 2011)






2011 © Robert Schwandl (UrbanRail.Net)