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Lodz Tram Map


Lodz (Województwo lódzkie) - 750,000 inh.

- 1000 mm
- 145 km
- 21 lines

31 Oct 2015: Augustów - Olechów (4.5 km)

03 Mar 2019: service suspended on line 43!

01 July 2023: trams return to Pabianice after several years of upgrading works (line 41 Pl. Niepodleglosci - Pabianice)

01 July 2024: trams return to Konstantynow Lodzki (line 43)



Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz

Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz Tram Lodz

Tram Atlas Central Europe NEW:

Robert Schwandl's


This illustrated atlas includes every tramway system in East-Central Europe, from Poland via Czechia and Slovakia to Hungary. The atlas also covers the three metro systems in the region, as well as trolleybuses in cities with tramways.
The detailed maps show all the stops, loops, single-track sections, depots and more. All the current vehicles are listed in tables and depicted in numerous colour photographs.

10/2024, Text deutsch/English, ISBN 978 3 936573 76 3, EUR 24.50 - For more info & sample pages click here!

 Official Websites

MPK (Tram Operator)

LKA (Suburban Railways)


 Other Links

Tram in Lodz at Wikipedia

IPT Lodz (Lodzka Inicjatywa na rzecz Przyjaznego Transportu)



2011 © Robert Schwandl - UrbanRail.Net
