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 Nordrhein-Westfalen . Germany

Duisburg tram mapMülheim an der Ruhr


Duisburg lies on the confluence of the Ruhr and the Rhine rivers and has 500,000 inhabitants but quite a small Stadtbahn network compared to its neighbouring cities Essen or Dortmund, which are all intergrated in the VRR tariff system (Verkehrsverbund Rhein Ruhr). The general Rhein-Ruhr Stadtbahn network designed in 1970 included two routes for the Duisburg area, one east-west linked to Mülheim and another one north-south linked to Düsseldorf.

In the early 1970s, the former interurban tramway D between Duisburg and Düsseldorf was upgraded to Stadtbahn standard with high platforms and mainly separate right-of-way. In the city centre of Duisburg, trams remained on streets for another 20 years as construction of the underground section was delayed due to financial problems.

The inner-city stations König-Heinrich-Platz and Duisburg Hauptbahnhof finally opened on 11 July 1992 and were designed for more underground traffic in the future: both stations have two platform levels with tram line 901 on the lower level at König-Heinrich-Platz and cross-platform interchange in each direction at Duisburg Hauptbahnhof. Platforms used by U79 and tram 903 have a low section for the tram. A 3.6 km extension of the Stadtbahn tunnel from Duissern north under the river Ruhr to Meiderich opened on 23 Sept 2000. This route is served by tram 903 and by line U79 from Düsseldorf.

- Line length on Duisburg territory: 17 km
- Rolling stock: DUEWAG B cars (high floor; 1983-85)

TRAM (901, 903 - 1435 mm gauge)
- Route length on Duisburg & Dinslaken territory - 43.7 km (of which 7.5 km are shared with Stadtbahn line U79)
- Rolling stock: GT10NC-DU (low-floor middle section; 1986-93)
- Bombardier Flexity on order for delivery from 2019




11 July 1992: [Ramp] - Steinsche Gasse / [Ramp] Rathaus - Duissern

23 Sept 2000: Duissern - Meiderich Bahnhof



Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram


DVG - Duisburger Verkehrsgesellschaft (Official Page)

Straßenbahn Duisburg & Stadtbahn Duisburg at Wikipedia.de

Stadtbahn Rhein-Ruhr by Jochen Schönfisch

Straßenbahn Duisburg

Duisburg Tram Track Map at gleisplanweb.de

Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram Duisburg Stadtbahn tram



 Our books about Urban Rail in Germany

Tram Atlas DeutschlandRobert Schwandl:


- 06/2024, Berlin, ISBN 978 3 836573 74 9

- Detailed colour maps for more than 50 German tramway cities, illustrated with numerous photos

- Text German and English

- More details

Schnellbahnen in Deutschland/Metros in GermanyRobert Schwandl:

U-Bahnen in Deutschland

+ U-Stadtbahnen

- Feb 2019, Berlin, ISBN 978 3 836573 57 2

- Anything you need to know about German metro and light rail systems with underground sections, with detailed maps and hundreds of colour photos; 160 pages; Text German and English - More details



2004 © UrbanRail.Net by Robert Schwandl.