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Amsterdam Tram Map

Amsterdam Metro


Amsterdam, the capital city of the Netherlands, has about 830,000 inhabitants (1.3 million in metropolitan area) and is famous for its huge canal system.


- network length approx. 100 km in passenger service
- 14 lines (after network re-organisation in July 2018)
- 1435 mm gauge
- Rolling stock: BN articulated tram with low-floor section; Siemens Combino; CAF Urbos 100

- 13 Dec 2020: former Sneltram route Amstelveen Oranjebaan - Westwijk reopened as a tram line, served by the new line 25.
21 Jul 2024: Amstelveen Westwijk Uithoorn Centrum (5.4 km)


Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam Tram Amsterdam



 IJtram :: Centraal Station - IJburg

Line 26 is a new express tram line, opened on 31 May 2005, that runs form the Centraal Station to IJburg, a newly built area on artificial islands in the IJmeer. It is 8.5 km long and runs on a segregated right-of-way for most of its length and in a tunnel for 1.5 km. The stop Rietlandpark is located 6 m below ground level, though uncovered, resembling a full metro station.

Steigereiland Rietlandpark
Steigereiland | Rietlandpark



GVB - Amsterdam Public Transport Authority (Official Site)

De Amsterdamse Tram at Wikipedia.nl

Dave Pirmann's Page has hundreds of photographs on Amsterdam Transport incl. Metro

Han Schomakers' page which explains colour-coding on Amsterdam metro and tram cars

Amsterdam Tram Track Map at gleisplanweb.eu

TRAMS 2022 - Dutch Yearbook about trams in Europe



Tram Atlas Benelux

Robert Schwandl:


Belgium - Netherlands - Luxembourg

- R. Schwandl Verlag, 02/2020, ISBN 978-3936573596

More info

Metros in Holland

2011 © UrbanRail.Net by Robert Schwandl