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The capital of Ukraine, is situated on the river Dnipro and has about 2.6 million inhabitants.


- system length ~ 145 km
- 19 lines
- rolling stock:

Apart from the standard tram system, there is a rapid tram line, which runs from the Railway Station (Vokzal'na) to the western suburbs (Kil'tseva Doroha, 9.1 km, 1977). Running in the median of a major road, after 20 years of operation, the line was upgraded in 2009/2010. A branch to Mikhailsvs'ka Borschahivska, which has a more light rail type alignment, was added in 1984.

A second 5.2 km rapid tram line was built between 1993 and 2000, running from Prospekt H. Vatutina station to Vulytsia Miloslavskaya station in the district of Troeschina in the north of the left bank. Not properly connected to any other rapid transit line, it was taken out-of-service in 2009, but re-opened after some upgrades on 25 Oct 2012 along with a 1.5 km extension to Troeschina-2, a new station on the city ring railway. Line 4, which runs exclusively on the rapid tram section, has a length of 6.7 km.


Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram

Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram Kyiv Tram


Kyiv Pastrans (Tram Operator)

Kyiv Tram at Wikipedia

In Memory of Kyiv Trams by Stefan Mashkevich

Fast tram © Vadim Dzygoon Fast tram © Vadim Dzygoon Fast tram © Vadim Dzygoon Kiltseva Doroha Hnata Yury Starovokzal'na
Kyiv Fast Tram - Povitroflots'ka station (1-3); Kil'tseva Doroha (4); Hnata Yuri (5); Starovokzal'na (6)





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